Monday, October 1, 2007

Henry Ouch

Henry went to DC this weekend. On the way there we stopped at Harper's Ferry where we walked a little bit of the Appalachian trail. When we got out of our car, a huge train was going by right next to the parking lot, so I put Henry up on my shoulders and got really close to the train so he could feel the wind, hear the noise and see how big they really are. He was screaming and laughing at the same time from the exhilaration. So, because of the train, we didn't put shoes on him and he ended up running along the trail barefoot, falling every 50 feet as usual. On one of those falls he broke/scraped off a good chunk of his toenail and for the rest of the trip he had a bloody and really dirty bloody stump of a toe. He never cried or complained about it until today when he stubbed it on a wooden toy and it started gushing blood. I wiped it until it stopped bleeding, but shortly after that he dropped a Nalgene bottle on it, splitting his wound open again. I gave him a bottle of warm milk, took him up to my room and performed minor surgery to clean it out and put band-aids on it. Henry was such a good patient. He never cried and he totally let me do whatever I wanted without squirming. He ended up pulling off the band-aids twice, so it didn't really last long, so I hope it heals even though his toes are always covered in dirt! haha!


Paige said...

Amelia, I love how you're always the surgeon at home while Justin's the surgeon out of the home! Perfect!

Tracie said...

Somehow, your mention of "minor surgery" makes me a little nervous... I guess those rat surgery pictures are still haunting me! I hope his toe gets better soon!