Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Happy

Henry has learned many new words lately and one word he loves to use is "happy". I was putting him down for his nap today and as I snuggled the blankets around his face he looked up at me and said, with a huge smile, "happy, happy". He really is a happy boy. Here he is hanging around downtown Pittsburgh with his mommy and daddy.

Henry also love accessories like hats, sunglasses and hair ties, which he pulls up to his upper arms and leaves there for hours. Sometimes I find four or five hair ties stuck on his arms hidden beneath his tee-shirt while I'm changing him into his pjs. He's lucky that his arms aren't big enough for them to cut off his circulation! hopefully he'll lose interest in them by the time his arms grow bigger. By that time I'll be able to see his arms turning purple anyway. lol! Funny kid:) Henry fell asleep in the car with my cowboy hat on and his stretchy mosquito repellent armband that he loves. He loves his accessories!

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