Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Henry's New Pet

We have a a new pet......spider! Haha! Just in time for Halloween, eh? We are so glad that our big mama orb weaver spider has decided to join us this year. She is a large orange spider with orange and white striped legs, just the same as the ones we used to have in New Mexico, which is astounding to me since there are something like 30,000 different species of orb weaver in the USA. Anyway, so we had her for a couple days in our back sliding door, but then she vanished. On Sunday our in-laws came for dinner and my sister-in-law was cleaning up in the toy room when she screamed bloody murder, hopping and prancing out of the room, "there's the hugest, ugliest bug I've ever seen in there, eeeewwww!" haha! I ran in there and it was our girl! I was so excited to have found her, and just in time, too, because after I put her back in her corner of the door frame, she laid her eggs! We are so excited to have them there and her back where she spins her perfect web. We have the best seat in the house from the other side of the window. Henry loves it when I put a grasshopper in the web so we can watch her wrap it up and sink her fangs in it! haha! Am I grossing you out? Good! She does have some pretty big fangs. The best part of the whole scenario is that when the little spider babies hatch in the spring, they'll all float away on the breeze with their little parachutes. Isn't nature so exciting?

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