Monday, September 24, 2007

Sweet Henry Stories

These stories, though short, have to be documented for posterity. Henry does random things every day that make me laugh and somehow my mom thinks these stories are really fun, so here they are...

The other day I put Henry down for his nap and he was being such a good boy. He had just finished a bottle of milk, was totally relaxed and I carried him to his room. I laid him in his crib, tucked all his blankets around him saying "snuggli wuggli," which he really loves and always makes him laugh or smile. Then I stroked his hair and said, "Henry, you're such a good boy." He looked up at me, smiled, and then said "boy" in his sweet little voice. Then he snuggled his head in his blankets, closed his eyes and went right to sleep. That just about melted my heart.

Last Saturday we went for a hike at Fall Run Park and we let Henry walk up the trickle of a stream that's left. He loved playing in the water. When we got to the waterfall we put him at the sloped, slippery base to let him slide down since he loves slides. When he reached the bottom he hit his elbow then looked up at us and said, "owwww, elbow." haha! Justin was like, "when did he learn how to say that? I didn't even know he knew that word!" He does, however, know the word "bridge,"but since he can't say r's very well yet, he says it without the r and you can imagine what that sounds like. lol! On this trail, there are probably 10 bridges and whenever he sees one, he says his version of bridge a hundred times. When this women passed us near a bridge we had to keep saying, "yeah Henry, that's a bridge. Good boy, bridge!" So she wouldn't be offended!

Henry loves to go out to the garden every day and eat fresh tomatoes, raspberries, carrots and beets. That's one of his favorite things to do. He walks down our deck stairs and finds all the cherry tomatoes that are ripe, then we go find all the ripe raspberries. After the raspberries are all gone Henry starts saying "beets, beets, beets" over and over and then goes over to the beets and carrots and looks them all over to find ones that are ready to be picked. Henry does pretty well finding the ones that aren't "babies". He seems to respond really well to the reasoning that we have to be careful and nice to the baby ones until they grow up and we can pick them. After he picks the beets or carrots, he holds them up and says "wash, wash" until they are all cleaned off. I really can't believe how much he loves his beets. I seriously love it.

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