Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Henry never ceases to amaze...or make me laugh

Today I printed out a bunch of photos at Costco to swap with some of the old ones around the house that just weren't that great. I printed a few out to put on his photo wall in his room and while I was up there organizing everything, he climbed up the two tiered changing table, pulled himself up to a stand and then pointed at my older brother's photo and said, "Sam". I was shocked. I clapped, laughed, and made him say it a couple more times and then asked him if he could say "Jamie," (who is Sam's girlfriend and is in the photo with him) and he said it perfectly! For the rest of the night he was saying "Sam, Jamie" while he was jut walking around. I can't believe he remembered something I had tried to teach him so long ago. I don't know when the last time we talked about all the people on the wall was. At least a week ago or more. What a memory.

Tonight I made some more fresh salsa from the tomatoes that just ripened today. I'm loving this indian summer. I thought I would bring some over to my neighbor Swati, whom Henry LOVES to death. She's straight from India and is the most lovely, friendly, and sweet girl that ever existed. Henry calls out for her frequently, so when I mentioned we were going over there, he ran to get his shoes, then he ran to the table where my cowboy hat was hanging on the kitchen chair, put it on, then ran to the door and looked at me with an excited/impatient look like, "I'm ready. Let's go!" The hat is now folded over so much that he has to turn it sideways in order to see and then it looks more like a Napoleon Boneparte hat made from straw. lol! We went over to Swati's house, but she wasn't there. I told Henry that Swati was gone and he started repeating her name over and over in a very sad tone. Poor Henry. He got all ready for nothing. haha.

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