Sunday, October 7, 2007

Honey is one

Henry learned how old he is the other day. I should have taught him earlier, but I didn't think of it until now. Now, every time we ask him how old he is, he says "one" and sticks up his little finger. He also understands the concept of one and what one looks like. He has a numbers puzzle and runs around showing us the number one and every time he has one grape or one fruit snack he says, "one" with a big smile on his face. He surely is excited to have learned about the number one.

Henry also started attempting to say his name. For about one day he said, "Hammy," which was really funny, but now he says what sounds like "honey". I think he knows he's not saying it right because he gets a little bit of that embarrassed/shy look when he says it, but at least he's trying to say his name. He can say just about everyone else's name, but not his own. I think "r's" are really hard for him at this point and so he avoids them when he can.

I just have to point out that Henry is surprisingly good at sharing. Even though he's being so high maintenance and emotional at this point in his life, he is always so willing to share things and that amazes me still. He has his raspberry plants from which he usually eats every day. Every time, without asking, he puts a few into my mouth. Today there were so many raspberries that we decided to pick some for Justin, who was home studying, and Henry brought the entire bowl up to the office and shared them all with Justin. He did the "one for you and one for me" thing, which I hadn't ever taught him. He just naturally knows the concept. When he asked for grapes in his bowl today, before he ate any of them, he gave one to Justin and one to me and then he started eating his own. He also played Sherpa today as Justin and I watched the Yankee game. He willingly was bringing me pretzels every time I asked Justin for a few. He would bring a handful over, give me all but one, and take the last one for payment. lol! He's such a nice boy.

1 comment:

The Happy Lees said...

I'm so glad Henry inherited your singing abilities. We want our boy to love music, but not so much that he'll want to make a living with it, since that's a hard industry, ya know?
Anyway, Henry looks and sounds like a cutie. Savvy is tons of fun these days too. Check out the blog we started: