Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter fun and madness

Our big handsome boy.  5 years old....with a short baby tie on.  Nice going dad.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you that Henry is crazy about candy and there has been a lot of it at our house recently.  This morning the kids woke up extra early and ate a ton of candy for breakfast, wouldn't even eat their eggs and had candy fits and meltdowns in sacrament meeting.  Henry left primary twice asking for candy from Justin and Bea was in a sugar low during nursery and didn't say a word or move, but just sat there observing all the fighting(someone actually drew blood today in a battle over a car) so I guess it was a good thing that she wasn't down there in the brawl. 
As soon as I said for Henry to put his arms around the girls this is what he did...and then they both cried.

We did have a nice little photo session today after church and we actually got all the kids smiling in quite a few photos. Finally!!! The girls are wearing their home made dresses and Henry is actually wearing an outfit that fits him! It's a miracle!
Henry wanted me to take multiple photos of himself eating the candy. 

We had our best friends/family over for dinner, watched a video from Easter three years ago and laughed our heads off and ate wonderful lamb steaks with middle eastern side dishes.  Yum, yum, yum.  Seriously, you would have been jealous of our meal.  Then we ate tiramisu for dessert(mormon style using Italian orzo, a wheat drink). We talked and laughed and had a wonderful time.  I just love my friends and family here and I'll be sad to leave them in a few weeks.

I made Henry button his shirt for the photos.  I love how it turned out.

1 comment:

Laura said...

that last photo made me laugh.