Friday, April 8, 2011


These were a fun craft I found at Aldi.  I babysat three kids today who were the same age as my three so it was basically like having three sets of twins.  They were all boys too and were all super attached to their mom, which I'm not accustomed to.  When we leave our kids anywhere, they're like, "see you in a few days mom.  We're having a sleepover!!!" They have no attachment complex, which I am totally fine with.  Luckily they didn't mind being cuddled by me so we spent a lot of time on the couch snuggling and reading stories since they all wanted to be held all at the same time(not going to happen). Good thing they're all so darn cute!

As many of you know, I love eggs.  I make a ton of Easter egg crafts and Christmas eggs stuff and I love to eat eggs, in fact, I think I ended up eating four soft boiled eggs(my all time favorite snack) today since the kids didn't finish theirs and I was in heaven.  I put freshly ground salt and pepper on them from my gourmet pepper mix combo with red(I know they're not really pepper), white and black peppercorns smashed on a piece of toasted super crusty bread from my favorite bread store and I am in heaven.  That is up there with dark chocolate for me.  I really have to stop myself from eating eggs all day long.  Don't tell Justin though because he's convinced that the cholesterol in eggs is basically poison, which I don't believe at all.  Read all about it if you google cholesterol myth.  Anyway, I love eggs and so do my kids!

1 comment:

I am Laura said...

Ally loves hard boiled eggs too.

Those are a cute craft.

My kids are like yours (except Grace) They could care less if I am around. I actually think they prefer me not to be around.