Tuesday, April 5, 2011


When I finally got the entire house clean, it was time to bathe the babes.  Here they are all clean, pink and smiley.
This morning I got up really late because I'm still recovering from still not getting any sleep since the kids are used to crying for water all night long and Clementine had a blow out that took a half hour to get cleaned up.  So anyway, I got up around 9:15, got dressed, found Clementine who had pooped all over herself again, so I gave her a quick bath, tidied up the upstairs and came down at about 9:50, ten minutes before this lady was scheduled to come over to give us a moving quote and I couldn't believe how horrible the house was.  It looked like a tornado had hit our kitchen.  Henry and Bea had been cutting stuff out all morning and had crumbled crackers all over the place, peeled string cheese, ate pasta, craisens, paper was strewn all over the place, markers were all over the floor and they had colored all over the table and spilled water all over the table and it was all underneath the table and there were still dishes in the sink from the day before, which I was hoping was the only thing I had left to do before this lady came and as I was standing there contemplating the mess, she rang the doorbell, like 9 minutes early!  I don't think anyone has ever seen my house that disgusting.  Not only was it cluttered, but it was covered in food and filth.  There was almost no place to walk around.  At least she was a woman and the upstairs was clean. 

1 comment:

Laura said...

That is the worst. I hate people to see my house in a mess. It has been that way for about a month now. Today I was able to deep clean the entire upstairs. Tomorrow I am battling the basement and then I am sure the upstairs will be a mess again! Oh, the life of having little ones.