Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thank you, You're welcome, May I and Will you vs. Can I and Can you

Henry and I have been working on grammar a lot lately.  He's doing a great job saying "may I" and "will you" instead of "can I" and "can you" which doesn't make any sense grammatically in the way we use it...not that I'm perfect at grammar but I do know the difference between their, there and they're and your and you're which I see misspelled ALL the time amongst educated adults.  I am pretty obsessed with teaching my kids at least what I know and hopefully they'll end up being mindful of other grammatical issues as they grow up. 

Henry and I just had this conversation

Henry: Thank-you mom for my piece of candy
Mom: Thank-you for saying thank-you!

20 minutes later
Henry: Mom, you didn't say you're welcome when I said thank you.
Mom:  Oh, sorry. You're welcome, Henry
Henry: Thanks for saying you're welcome when I said thank-you mom(sweet smile). 

Oh, and he just asked me if he could recycle his sucker stick. I just love that boy:)


Amelia Hohl said...

justin here: that's my boy. I'm missing you guys and wish you were here with me in SF. Love you.

Adventures in Kamalot said...

So cute! I am impressed at his good grammar. I am trying to work with Luke on something even worse. Our conversation:
Me: Luke, Miles does not like it when you tackle him like a football player.
Luke: Yes he DOs! (not does! agh!)
You are right though - all we can give them is what we know. Let's hope it's enough! :)