Friday, December 11, 2009

Henry's Thoughts

The purpose of this blog is to ultimately get Henry to take it over and continue detailing his life.  It seems to me that he may be ready to add more to this blog because he's been pondering things a lot more lately.  These are some of the things that have been on his mind...

"Mom, do people usually have the same head and body when they grow up?"

I love his use of "usually" in this sentence.  He may be wondering how a head his size could grow to the ginormic proportions of his father.

"Mom, is there moisture in water?"

First of all, how do you know about the word moisture let alone be asking me about the concept of moisture?

And this is what escapes Henry's lips most often...

"Mommy, Bea is the cutest baby ever and she thinks I'm so cool"

Yes she does, Henry.  This opinion has averted many potential fights because of Bea's obsession to play with everything Henry plays with and eventually ruin everything he creates.  He also likes hearing his friends who don't have younger siblings say that they want Bea as their little sister.  She is really tolerant and really fun to play with.  I'm so glad they get along so well. 


Alissa said...

He's a keeper.

Your floors are gorgeous. Are they Brazilian cherry?

The Steeles said...

he is so cute and so wise for his age! I'm glad that they get along so well!