Thursday, December 17, 2009

More Christmas thoughts from Henry

                    Henry's Nativity.  Something's not quite right....

Henry is really attracted to music and he takes after me being able to hear a song once and never forgetting it and just about memorizing the music and all the words.  I've been listening to Handel's Messiah in the car and I caught him singing along to many of the songs.  One night he asked me, "Mommy, what does 'unto us a son is given mean'".  I told him what it meant and now he sings that part even louder.  He also sings, "Every kiss begins with Kay" about 5 times per day.  I don't even think he knows he's singing that one.

In Pittsburgh we see a lot of trains and the other night we saw a train pulling giant cars full of coal.  Henry remembered that it was what bad kids got in their stockings.  He thought for a minute and said, "Mom, is Santa going to put coal in Satan's stocking?" Haha! That one caused Justin and I to burst out laughing.

Henry is still in the Christmas spirit and he's milking me for all the candy he can get.  Enjoy it while it lasts son because on January 1st it's all going in the trash!  Muah ha ha!

1 comment:

ChrisnDave said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA! Okay, seriously, I need to see that boy sometime soon!!!