Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another one for the record books...

So things aren't going so well around here. First Justin broke the glass top of the deck table, then Henry broke the mac laptop for good, then someone broke my car window to steal my purse that had all of $10 in it and the rest of my whole life, including my phone photos of my darling children that I will never see again. I had to go down to the bank to get some new cards sent to me and while I was talking to the nice man in his cubicle, Henry was pestering me for one of the suckers they give away, whining,"mommy, I want a sucker" over and over. This eventually turned into, "mommy I have to go pee pee" and holding himself. I asked the man if there was a restroom we could use and he hesitated since there were no public restrooms, but he said we could use the employee restrooms and of course he had to go in the men's room and didn't want help. I went back out to get Bea when I heard Henry freaking out in the restroom. I took Bea with me this time and found Henry trying to pee in the man sized urinal which he could not reach. He was unsuccessfully trying to climb on the urinal with his pants down, which wasn't working. He wouldn't let me help him, and would NOT go in the regular toilet. After a few minutes I was fed up and pushed him to the toilet and smacked him on his naked bum which started his flow and he was FURIOUS! He was looking down at his stream and screaming, "NOOOOOOOOO! I don't want to go in the toilet!!! Ahhhhhh!". I came out with my screaming boy only to notice that while I was trying to deal with Henry earlier, Bea had found the graham crackers and the guy's cubical was strewn with crumbs. I dragged them out of there and continued my quest to get my life back together.


Kyndal said...

You poor thing. I can't believe someone busted out your car window! Where did that happen?!? I will pray that the craziness slows down a bit in the Hohl house. Anything I can do to help give you a break?

Laurel Dougall said...

i too am so sorry amelia!!! i will pray for you!!! lots of love, laurel

ChrisnDave said...

Oh NO! Your posts always make me laugh -I know that's not at all the emotion you're feeling right now, but hopefully twenty years down the road you'll be able to go back and get a giggle or two out of all your wild stories.
Anyway, thanks for always sharing the ups and downs - helps the rest of us realize that we're not the only ones that have rough days :)

Paige said...

Yes, when I saw you had a new Henry post, instinctively I knew it'd be a good one. I'm sorry Henry has to be so difficult sometimes, but hopefully it's just a stage that he'll grow out of - and soon! But I agree with the previous commentor that your stories remind me that I'm not the only one with bad days!

Alissa said...

What a week! When it rains it pours. Hopefully this means that this week will be smooth sailing.

Sarah said...

Oh bless you. Poor thing. I think you need a vacation. Outer Banks anyone?