Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tomato man

Today I did a little quiz with Henry to see what he could say-about 25 words. He is getting really close to speaking full sentences. His whining is decreasing day by day as he realizes that I respond only to talking. I still have to suggest the words I want him to say, though, instead of him deciding on his own. He's so cute with his "please" though. The other day at the park he was whining for me to take him out of the swing and I always say "all you have to do is say please" and he copies me saying "pleeeeeeease" and all the mothers at the park let out a simultaneous "aaawww so cute". Today he said his first food word! TOMATO!!! I kid you not. He said all three syllables at least three times. Justin and I were rolling on the ground laughing at how fitting that tomato be his first food word since that was his first real food (a taste of gelato in Italy doesn't count). He likes saying the "TO" part. The middle syllable also changed a couple times from "MA" to "BA", but we got the gist of it. We picked our first Heirloom tomatoes today. They weigh about 2 lbs each and are a medium pink color. Seriously yummy and completes the tomato salad we made tonight with yellow, green/yellow striped, red, and pink ones. There isn't anything better on the face of the planet.