Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My little Valentine

Handing out Valentines

This year, Valentine's Day was kind of significant for Henry.  So, we've had our ups and downs with Henry ever since he was about 2 and a half and just recently we've seen him mature so much.  He has finally grown out of the really difficult phase he has been in for so many years and has turned back into the happy, delightful boy I knew was under that emotional exterior.  At one point I even thought he had ADHD but after seeing him spending an hour and a half writing out his classmates names on his Valentine's cards and focusing on many other projects, including reading chapter books, building legos, and drawing intricate pictures and coloring them, I came to the conclusion that he does not have ADHD but just has tons of energy, which is what I expected all along.

This past Saturday I spoke to Henry's ski school instructor and he is improving leaps and bounds.  He's already in the advanced class and now is going off jumps, skiing on his edges and doesn't use the "pizza" anymore to stop but uses "french fries".  haha.  He's getting so good! It's just so amazing to see my little baby boy accomplishing so much.  I am swelling with joy just watching him read, swim, ski, rock climb all the way to the top of the wall, sing, play his little guitar, memorize the Articles of Faith and be such a good kid.  At his class today one of the aides said he was a stickler for the rules.  He really loves those rules!

We've been having so much fun together lately and he tells me he loves me all the time and it just melts my heart.  The other night I drove separately to the gym and when I was leaving, Henry yelled through the window, "Mom, can I come around to your side to give you a kiss?" Of course you can sweet boy. 

He made me a Valentine the other day and was trying to hide it and when he realized that I accidentally saw it, he was devastated. He is such a thoughtful boy.  I just can't say enough good things about him.  I am so looking forward to spending more time teaching him and getting to know him. 

For Valentine's Day I actually pulled myself together and made a couple batches of cookies, decorated them and delivered them to our friends and neighbors.  What I made used up so much dough that I couldn't deliver them to even half of the people I wanted to, but I at least thanked people who had helped me after the baby.  Henry and Bea helped me make the dough, cut out the hearts and I decorated them and we all went around to deliver them.  I used my grandmother's delicious recipe and everyone has been asking me for the recipe.  I'll post it on my neglected food blog hohlfoods soon. 

1 comment:

Laura said...

I don't know how much older Henry is than James, but you give me some hope. James is so so hard too. He is getting better as well, but when he is at his worst it is like we are back to square one of me wondering what is wrong with him. I think boys are just hard and yes full of energy. The pediatrician thinks he gets bored a lot and we need to stimulate him more and more with active things.