Saturday, August 28, 2010


The other day I took the kids shopping down to the Strip District before Bea's Birthday party and there was the usual table of Italian pastries out on the sidewalk, which I have already tried and don't particularly like.  Henry started whining for a small palm sized cookie with a ball of frosting on top the size of a golf ball and I told him I wasn't going to buy him that cookie because we were going to have Birthday treats the next day, but he couldn't get that cookie out of his head. When I was purchasing some flowers at the end of our trip next to the cookie table Henry came up to me and told me that the lady told him that if I was with him she would give him a sample of something so I reluctantly went over and asked the woman if she told him he could have a sample...and she said that she hadn't.  Ugh.  So once again I told Henry that I was not going to get him that cookie and he had a melt down on the sidewalk.  The lady, I guess, felt bad for Henry and said, "OK, you can have a cookie.  Which color do you want?" and she gave him the cookie with a huge ball of blue frosting and then she said she couldn't give him one and not his sister so she handed Bea a cookie with a huge ball of pink frosting.  That's when I realized I didn't have any wipes with me(you should see my stroller now) and I told her she didn't have to do that and thanked her nicely.  That's when she proceeded to take two dollars out of her own purse and handed them to the other guy behind the table to put in the money box -- right in front of me.  I didn't know how to respond.  I thanked her again and walked away.  As I walked away she mumbled something to the effect that I should just give my kids a cookie instead of let them suffer.  Pa-leeze.


I am Laura said...

So I told you I have been reading your blogs right? I guess I will finally make my first comment.

This one really spoke to me because I have the same issues. I don't want to give into my kids when they whine, but I feel like the rest of the world is like, just give the kid a cookie so they will stop crying. I am glad you didn't give the lady any money. I actually would have been made that she let my kid who was whining get his or her way. I bet you were very poised and cute about it. I am not sure I would have been.

Tracie said...

Yeah, that's kind of funny and really annoying at the same time... Wow, I don't know what I would have done.

The Muse said...

That was not cool for her to give in... it undermines your authority. I think you were right about saying no and trying to stick to it. If people just give in, like the woman did, then it shows kids that having a tantrum gives them what they want. That's annoying that she did that.

Sarah said...

Fun time cacthing up on all of Henry's adventures. Looks like you had a great summer.