Sunday, May 10, 2009

Does it get any better than being a Mother?

Wow, every day should be Mother's Day. This morning Henry thanked Heavenly Father three times that it was Mother's Day during his breakfast prayers. At church we got a CD, a measuring cup filled with chocolates and a nice card with a professional photo of Henry on the front and filled with things he thought about me on the inside. I also gave away a couple hundred of my tomato plants, so everyone else got an extra special gift and I was SO happy to send them to loving homes. I listened to my CD on the way home, had Justin make me dinner and just relaxed while he did the dishes. Bea was perfect as usual and Henry gave me plenty of hugs, kisses and talked about Mother's Day non-stop. It was a very nice day...and the sun was shining. Thank-you my dear, sweet family.

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