Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another adventure at Rite Aid

So you remember what happened the last time we spent quality time at Rite Aid? Well this time we went to drop off a prescription and to buy a pull back car with Henry's hard earned money from doing his chores which you would think would be a simple task. First of all, I was looking rather shabby, had not taken a shower in two days, had just worked out, was wearing no make-up and had really greasy looking hair. Henry was in his sweats, a stained shirt and boots that are falling apart, plus he's crying as usual from being cold at swimming lessons. We walk into the store and go back to the pharmacy where Henry drops his ceramic piggy bank and it shatters all over the floor. Pretty soon all the employees are there helping us pick up all Henry's nickles and dimes and making sure no one hurts themselves on the shattered pieces. The owner of the store, through Henry's sobs, looks up at me with a sincere look and says, "I think we have piggy banks on sale." and so I agreed to look at them. He took me to the isle with the lawn ornaments and other hideous items and shows me the kitchiest looking fish/frog piggy bank, something you would expect to see in your grandma's garden right next to the fake flowers sticking out of the ground, and even though it's on clearance at 50% off I tell him that it's too expensive. I was not going to pay $4 for something that hideous. I started walking down towards the check-out counter when the store owner taps me on the shoulder and whispers, "It's okay, I'll give it to you for a dollar", and at that moment I realize that he probably thinks I am some poor white-trash mother that can't even afford to buy my son something that costs so little. Needless to say, I can never resist a good deal so we took the piece of junk and took it and Henry's red truck up to the counter to pay for them. I knew I couldn't argue with their perceptions of me the moment I brought out the plastic bag filled with nickles and dimes to pay for our items. I could feel all the employees give me that look that would translate to, "I know times are hard but you just keep on saving those nickles and dimes and you'll move out of that trailer park someday (imaginary hug)" One thing I can't figure out is that they didn't recognize me from the poo wall painting fiasco, and now I don't want to go in there looking like I usually do because they might think I was faking being trailer trash to get a free piggy bank. But alas, I have no choice since they didn't have my prescription in stock, so I have to go back tomorrow......


Laurel Dougall said...

oh amelia! one day you are going to get a huge laugh out of reading that story! that's too funny, and not funny! you should go back tomorrow looking all done up and tell them it was your trashy twin sister! :) hee hee.

Sarah said...

I love it. We've just had a good laugh reading all the pee pee stories.

Paige said...

Oh my goodness, Amelia. I laughed so hard I cried. Mostly because 1. Henry is so crazy, and 2. I totally have days where I feel exactly like that. Don't feel bad going in looking normal, they either won't recognize you, or will be glad your kids actually do come from a good home. :) Keep the stories coming!!!

Johnny and Angela Dayton said...

Ameila, You are hilarious. Ang and I died laughing at your post. As parents of a 3 and an 18-monther, it's only too easy to sympathise,

Urban Tangerine said...

I am laughing so hard about this right now. I hear you girlfriend!

Tammy said...

I want to see a pic of the piggy bank! I bet Henry loved it and that it was great!