Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas is Upon us...

As soon as Thanksgiving was over I started thinking about the Christmas preparations I had neglected to think about all year long. I was usually so good at buying things for people months in advance, but since I haven't been walking around the streets of New York City looking for the best sales every day, I haven't run across as many opportunities to buy cool gifts. I've decided to make things this year instead of buy them, so Henry and I have been busy making things to send to our friends and family. Today we made chocolate suckers and chocolate molds, candy canes and I also made a huge amount of gingerbread dough to make cookies out of tomorrow. We're going to decorate them when Grandma comes. So fun! I also have a cookie cutter for gingerbread houses too, so we're going to have a party.

Henry hasn't been himself lately and I think it's because I've allowed myself to take my third eye off of him while family was in town and while we get together with our friends for our culinary exploits. He isn't obeying like usual and doesn't say thank you or sorry very often. It's amazing how quickly they revert to primal behavior when we aren't there to remind them of what to say and do. I hope this week it gets better while my mom is visiting. She'll learn him all she knows:)

Henry is getting bored of his toys. I think I'll clean out his playroom tomorrow and take out the baby stuff since there's no baby to play with it.

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