Sunday, October 2, 2011

Soccer Star!

Henry scrambling to get the ball.  Go Henry!
Henry has been playing soccer every Wednesday and Saturday this fall and yesterday he finally got the spark in him and had some awesome fast breaks.  He didn't score, but dribbled the ball down the field several times, maneuvering around kids and actually focusing. Yay! So far we have played the black ninjas who should have been playing against professional teams(score about 20 to 0), the orange team who were all in his kindergarten class so during mid play Hen would stop to chat, hug and flirt with the girls, and other teams who were all a head and shoulders taller than everyone on our team (except for Henry who is also a head and shoulders taller than every kid on his team as well).  There are only one or two kids on our team who can actually run fast enough to score and so far we usually only score zero to three goals per game and have never won.  During this game he got pushed a few times and I told him that's just how soccer is and to brush it off.  Then he got the idea that he should push and trip the kids on the other team if they were doing it to him, but the most funny part about that was that he would try to guard people (like in basketball) and trip kids during non play time while they were just standing around waiting for the action to start.  Thankfully none of them were even moving so they didn't get tripped.  He was even hugging some girls on the other team at one point. I think it's good for Henry to know that his team doesn't win, but everyone still has fun, he still gets a treat and everyone goes home happy.  We just love watching Henry play sports.  I've been trying to pack stuff in before the baby comes because it's going to be a long month of nothing planned after the baby comes, so live it up Henry! You are awesome and I love you!

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