Thursday, February 24, 2011

First Finger Fright for my Five year old

Henry Post-op(bad phone photo) with some presents
 Today is Henry's 5th Birthday and we spent most of the day at the Science Center with the Chous and Gammie and Grandpa Hohl.  Henry was an angel all day and had so much fun with his cousins.  We even ran into Thomasin and Marta for the last couple hours and they joined in on the fun at Sports Works. On the way home it started to rain so I turned on the wiper in the back where both boys were sitting, facing backward.  Our car is falling apart and the back panel keeps falling off and at this point all the mechanics of the hatch door are exposed, especially the wiper arm.  As we pulled into our garage, Henry gets the bright idea to stick his left pointer finger into a hole in the mechanical arm of the wiper blade and in so doing, almost sliced off his finger.  He had a deep wound that went from just below his cuticle diagonally under his nail bed and slicing into his skin.  When I opened the back to let the boys out, Henry was holding his bloody finger in his other hand and looked at me saying, " I stuck my finger in the hole and I just didn't know!" I felt so horrible for my sweet Birthday boy! I rushed him into the house, rinsed it, and as I rinsed I realized just how deep it was. I wrapped it up in tissues and tape and called Justin to come home.  He arrived home quickly with supplies and examined the patient.  He decided to take him for an x-ray at the Children's Hospital (no break) and came home to finish the repair.  Complete with gloves, tools, a couple beautiful assistants and some freezer paper as a sterile surface, Justin was ready to go.  I held Henry on my lap with Gammie Lynn holding his arm as Justin injected lidocane into his finger quite a few times.  Henry cried, but didn't really pull his arm back or freak out like I had expected him to do and was so brave.  After his finger was numb, Justin was free to do the surgery.  He removed the nail and put four or five stitches across his nail bed and then reinserted his nail into the cuticle, which assists in the new nail growing back.  Justin commented that this surgery was even more complicated than any of the other surgeries he had done that day.  The whole time Henry was content to boss Kaitlin and Wee-o on the proper techniques to navigate through levels of Little Big Planet and had little interest in the bloody stump of a finger his dad was working on.  Justin wrapped it all up and then we ate linguine with meat balls for dinner and a Hazelnut cake with dark chocolate coating on top, opened presents and let the kids eat some candy and it was a wonderful Birthday!


Thayer said...

Brave Henry, Happy Birthday! My boys would be excited to play with that Ninjago set but could do without the surgery. Doesn't it make you nervous to do all that at home instead of in a sterile care center? Good thing you've got a doctor in the family!

I am Laura said...

So sad. Looks like he was still happy on his birthday! Happy Birthday Henry!

Justin said...

First Colton, and now Henry. It looks like home surgerys are the way to go!!!

Lynn said...

Henry was SO BRAVE. I think they should have video games as regular hospital was great. Henry did not skip a beat with his bandaged finge; he went bowling and it didn't even seem to bother him. Go Henry!!

Paige said...

That's awesome.

Adventures in Kamalot said...

So sad! I can't believe Justin did that at home. Amazing. Hope he is feeling better! We will call tomorrow. Love to all!