Sunday, February 8, 2009

Anybody Home Pee Pee?

This Saturday I have Henry signed up to take his first swimming lesson and his Birthday is coming up so I told him that he needed to be a big boy and get potty trained. Until just a couple days ago he didn't seem ready and was having accidents right and left. He even pooped in his underwear last week and told me that he wanted to see it as if it was something cool. Yesterday he had his first perfect day and even woke up this morning with nothing in his diaper and he even went #2 in his potty chair all by himself while I was in feeding Bea in the other room! I was so thrilled that I cooked him some bug shaped cup cakes that I'm going to use at his party. Since church was postponed until 2pm there was a lot of time for celebration this morning and he even stayed dry all through church! Yea Henry. The climax came when this morning he was in with Justin, standing up at the big potty, waiting for something to come and after he waited for about a minute without any success, he looked down and said, "Hello?! Anybody home pee pee!?!" We all laughed hysterically.


ChrisnDave said...

Oh man that boy is sooooooooooooooooo hilarious!!! I can't wait to see him!!!

Thayer said...

Way to go Henry, and yeah that Amelia only has to change one set of diapers a day (it really does free up a lot of time :))

Paige said...

Thank you. Yet another hilarious story that made me laugh out loud. I know I can always count on Henry! And that's awesome he's on a no-accidents streak! Way to go!

jess21stars said...

Yeah Henry! That is 2 cute!