Friday, July 1, 2011

Super Boy!

Yay! Daddy's home!
Henry riding his bike really fast with his super hero outfit on, mask, cape and stickers on his shirt.  Such a happy boy!

 I think this summer has been instrumental in the growth of Enrico.  He has all of a sudden learned to really ride his bike and I don't have to force him to go on rides, he just wants to go, he has been doing his chores and is becoming more obedient.  He's happier and more confident.  He's even taking beat boxing lessons and will soon start on guitar.  I am enjoying this stage so much and I can't wait for him to become more capable.  Justin just learned that his buddy's son, who is only 6, rides mountain bikes with him up in the hills and now Justin wants to get Henry some crazy expensive bike with shocks and hand breaks.  Haha! He's just as impatient as I am for him to grow up. 

Blue snow cone lips holding the fire hose at a street fair

Henry and Bea doing a little dance to make their floor sweeping chore more fun. 

Henry just learned how to do a real back float and couldn't be happier with himself.  I'm just happy that he knows how to float in case he feels like he's in water that's too deep

Grandpa bribed Henry with a popsicle if he would go down the really slow waterslide at our pool.  He refused to do it thus far, but then he realized he loved it and kept going again and again.  He can even swim to the side.  Go Henry!

Henry and Bea on the Ferris wheel at Liberty Park, having the time of their lives!

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