Friday, June 25, 2010

Blueberry Bliss

This year the blueberries ripened really early and I found some really tasty ones at the grocery store for a great price so I bought 60 pints.  You might be thinking, "wow, that's a lot" but I bought 50 pints last year and we ate or gave away about 10 pints and we ran out about four months early and I was rationing them every time we took out a bag from the freezer.  So this time I ended up freezing 50 pints and this year Henry helped me during the entire process!  When I bought all those blueberries, the first thing Henry said to me was, "Mommy, what were you thinking?!"  with his hands up in the air.  Couldn't agree with you more my son. 

His job was carrying a crate of 6 pints over to the sink and emptying each pint into a colander and rinsing them off.  He also had to stack each crate and the empty pints in neat stacks.  I poured the washed blueberries onto towels to let them dry and picked out the squished ones and stems.  After they were dry we put them into bags and carted them down to the freezer.  I have rarely seen Henry so dedicated to his work.  He even came up with a few songs about blueberries while we were working.  This was the best one...

We love to froze blueberries
We love to froze blueberries
We love to froze blueberries
Wash 'em, smush 'em, put 'em in a bag
Apples are disgusting
Let's eat 'em all up

I have to agree with him that we haven't eaten a good apple in a really long time. Afterward, Henry and Bea built some awesome towers with the cases.  Here are the proud architects!

Thanks Henry for helping me do the blueberries this year.


Tracie said...

I love that song he made up! I haven't had a good apple in a while, either. I'm jealous that you will be able to go apple picking in the fall....

The Muse said...

Awesome! What a good helper. I'm excited to see you all soon.