Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sign of Independence

Today we went to Costco and Henry found a cart of his own and actually pushed it around the entire store.  I was pretty amazed that he didn't abandon his cart after 5 minutes.  He was really dedicated to that thing, especially after he started collecting samples.  I had to put all the yummy things in his cart because Bea was after all the food, being the hungriest baby in the world and pooped three times while we were out.  The entire baby seat was filled with samples that he collected and saved until we got to the tables after check-out.  At some stations he took like 5 samples.  Good thing all those ladies have known him ever since he was an infant with his mohawk and love him to death.  The most darling part was that his little smiling face was peaking through the center of the baby seats.  His dimples are getting more prominent as his face thins out.  Just loving that.  He did run into quite a few people but each time he yelled, "excuse me, you're in my way!"  I apologized many times but most people didn't care since he looked so darling. 


Señora H-B said...

Man, he is a cutie!

Brazil's Girl said...

Hey how's reading book going? You totally got me intrigued, I've ordered it. You also raised a good point, because I'm not sure what the next class in Isaac's preschool will be teaching him. And I want him to be reading by summer.

Thanks for sharing the book.

Brazil's Girl said...

ps: I mean to say how's the "reading book" going?