Saturday, September 26, 2009

"FU" N in the car

Henry is always singing, usually the ABCs which he NEVER gets tired of.  Today he was singing the ABC tune but only using the letters F and U.  Saying over and over, "F F U U FF U".  Justin and I were trying to hold back our laughs.  We finally suggested another song and he forgot all about it.  I wonder what made him pick those particular letters. Good thing Bea can't really talk yet.


Tracie said...

Ha ha, that's funny! I still remember making up a song as a kid that went like this, "There's an itch in my b*tch..." over and over and over. I just liked that it rhymed. Finally my mom asked what I was saying and told me I shouldn't say that b/c it was a bad word and I felt really bad. That is funny that he chose those letters!

The Muse said...

Both of those stories are hilarious! Hahaha!