Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Accident Prone

It's finally happened, Henry has fallen backwards in the kitchen chair and really hurt himself. Friday night was when it happened and this is definitely the worst accident to date we have had. As Henry fell back in the chair, he instinctively tried to counterbalance the falling chair which brought him to a sitting position (sparing the back of his head from hitting the ground) but as the chair hit the floor, he got a sort of forward whiplash and he completely bit through the skin half-way in between his lip and his chin. The cut was almost an inch wide and went all the way through. What was worse is that his front teeth hit his mandible so hard that his teeth are now jammed up into his gums - one more than the other - so his teeth are now half as big as before and uneven. We have plenty of dentists in our ward who told us many possible scenarios ranging from, worse case, his teeth dieing and turning black and possibly damaging his permanent teeth that are forming in his gums to, best case, his teeth naturally re-emerging after a week or two back to their original position. So far the teeth are still white but haven't moved. He has a dentist appointment tomorrow so we'll see what the x-rays tell us. After the accident, Justin used surgical glue to close the wound and we've kept it clean and closed for the past few days and it looks good. Then on Monday while playing at my sister-in-law's house, he fell down the stairs doing what looked like cartwheels all the way down. Apparently he didn't get hurt or hit his chin because he didn't cry much and stopped crying for a piece of candy - telltale of faking it. Today he fell off his kitchen stool while sitting on it and bumped his head in the cabinets and ran into a shopping cart at Costco being pushed by a woman who couldn't see him over her large load. I am so sad to realize that he inherited my genes for being accident prone. Poor Henry. I just hope Bea is more careful with her face!


Señora H-B said...

Oh! So sad. I hope his teeth are ok!

(One of my brothers was incredibly accident-prone. He turned out to be a pretty cool guy.)

Paige said...

Ouch! Well...maybe this will teach him to be more careful? Unfortunately the events of the past few days have not confirmed this. Oh well! I hope he gets better!

1384 n said...

Oh Amelia, I know how terrible it is as a mother when one of your kids gets hurt like this. Jordyn bit through her lip when she was younger too! We where spared the teeth. Poor kid. We will hope for the best!