Friday, October 10, 2008

Meltdown at the zoo

Today I took Henry to the zoo. We had a great time until he took his shoes off on the spiderweb rope thingy and somehow they got lost or stolen because they were nowhere to be found. We searched and searched, even enlisting some older kids to look, but after they announced the zoo would be closing I told Henry that he would have to walk to the car with no shoes on and he started crying because we were leaving them behind, then he fell and scraped up his toe really bad and was screaming, "I need a band-aid" over and over again as he followed me to the car. I was trying to make an impression in his mind about not taking his shoes off without giving them to me, but it backfired. Ugh. He cried himself to sleep in the car and I took him to the hospital where Justin was waiting with some surgical equipment and fixed it up while he was passed out. He now has a gigantic wrap on his entire foot, appropriate for someone who has just had a foot transplant. I've been trying to get him to go to sleep for about two hours now, but he's still humming the ABC's under his door. What am I going to do with this boy?

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