Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Busy Boy

Henry and I have been really busy lately tending to our growing garden, hosting visiting family members, working at church, traveling and trying to get in a little play when we can. We are also working on getting to sleep at a decent time. After a few weeks of him finally falling to sleep at or after midnight(even after 1am at times), I decided that things had to change. They have since been better, but it has been painful to keep him up from his nap so that I may put him to bed super early. He has been one cranky baby, but he's now on a way better schedule and is a lot happier. Has anyone had this problem? I guess it was perpetuated by the fact that I kept him up to hang out with Justin when he got home from work and since Justin's rotations have been easier, he's been staying up later as well and I just let Henry stay up until Justin went to bed.

Henry is also saying some really hilarious things like "spilled-ing" for "spilling" and does his best to describe things that went on during the day. Today there was a thunder/lighting/hail storm which Henry described to Justin by saying, "Thunder and lightning and hail and crash and really scary daddy." He is also totally engrossed in his make-believe world. He brings me rocks and tells me that they are cheese and cookies and I have to pretend to eat them. His little face lights up with a huge smile when I make up stories and use funny voices with his plastic animals or his animal shaped food. He is also obsessed with the library and constantly piles up animals and books in the umbrella stroller and tells me that he's going to the library. I made up a library song that he also makes me sing while he pushes it around.

I have to take photos of our garden to post, but we are just starting to reap the benefits of our labors. Henry and I have been eating strawberries from our huge patch for the past week. We get about 20 each day and they are de-lici-ous! I hardly get to taste any of them because Henry wants to eat them all. I am glad because they are taking the place of his unhealthy snacks. We also just got our first batch of peas today which are so crispy and fresh. Henry was pounding them down. He even learned how to pick them so he didn't break the stalks. Such a good boy. Our raspberry bushes are crazy big and have hundreds of fruit growing which we can't WAIT to harvest. We have many other veggies that are just starting to take root and get large, but we won't get to eat for at least another month, I'm thinking. We'll have to survive on peas and raspberries. We do have giant sunflower plants that are getting huge too. Henry is going to freak out when he sees how big the flowers get. We're going out of town this weekend for an entire 9 days, so I'm really worried about our plants. I just hope nothing dies while we're gone. Summer vacations stress me out more than relax me because I don't like to leave my garden!

BTW, for those of you who haven't heard, I'm pregnant with a baby girl and am due in August. Henry put his little head on my stomach tonight and felt her kick him. He's really excited for "baby sister" and calls every baby, boy or girl, "baby sister". He is all of a sudden not jealous when I hold other babies because I think he's ready to have someone else to play with. I guess life gets pretty boring with a pregnant mother. I can hardly dance to Ellen with Henry anymore! I miss being able to dance hard core for an entire 2 minutes with Henry.


Kendra Leigh said...

Congratulations! I know I'm totally biased, but girls are so much fun! Best wishes as you deal with the summer heat....

Sarah said...

You're getting so close to baby time. I bet Henry is so excited. Do you have names picked out yet? We're not getting anywhere with it. It sounds like you're having a wonderful summer and I am now craving raspberries like crazy.

Julia said...

Congratulations! I hope you are doing well, and surviving the summer.

Brazil's Girl said...

Hi Amelia,
I found your blog's through Bonnie's and then through Brooke's.

You live in Pittsburgh? My husband's family is from there. In fact we may have to be going there in the next month or so. His grandmother is on her death bed. It would be fun to meet up.


tawni said...

Congrats on the pregnancy! Glad to hear all is well!